Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

The scene in the helicopter with the eccentric gunner helps solidify the nature of our occupation of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. People that lived through such conditions were either crazy or lucky. In the case of the gunner, it was crazy. Here is an excerpt of the conversation between the gunner and the reporter.
Gunner: "Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined VC."
Reporter: "How can you shoot women and children?"
Gunner: "Easy, you just don't lead them so much."

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I found this next scene to be humorous in a macabre sort of way. Here we have a trench of Vietnamese bodies covered in lime with a crowd of U.S. personnel surrounding it. The man in the center is interviewing the man on the right while the man on the left takes pictures. What was funny was that the man on the right always faced the camera when the cameraman was about to take a picture. This shows that, even in grim situations, some people will always concern themselves with appearances.

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This last scene symbolizes the divide between American forces and natives of Vietnam. Though our mission there was to stem the flow of communism, the people there saw us as invaders and worthy of utmost contempt. If the helicopter gunner was too blatant a clue, this scene might appeal to those inclined toward subtleties. In any case, the message is clear.

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