Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Tuxedo (2002)

One part of this movie that really stood out was the symbolism in this scene. It gives a feel for what the main character, Jimmy, is going through. Before the job as chauffeur to a government agent, he was leading a dull, miserable little life as a cab driver. The suit shows promise of a better life, though he does not know it yet. He is still in the dark, and the light of understanding has just barely shone on him. The suit does indeed end up improving his life, as we see later in the movie.

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Another thing I found interesting about this movie was the action scenes. Those familiar with Jackie Chan's work will know that he does most, if not all, of his own stunts. Coupled with the interesting use of environmental factors, his style of martial arts never fails to entertain. There are no flashy special effects because they are not necessary.

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