Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Galaxy Quest (1999)

This shot I liked because of its practicality. Here we see one of the actors in the faux T.V. show Galaxy Quest. He's in what appears to be his home yet he still hasn't taken the makeup off his face. To me, this shows a deep familiarity and redundancy with having that makeup on. It shows how deeply ingrained the show has become with their lives.

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Want to make a space ship that pretty much shouts, "Bad guys on board!" Look no further than this fine example. Not only is it large, but it also employs less obvious means to get the message across. Note the rings of what seem to be teeth in the yellow, glowing maw that is the front of this ship. If this isn't enough, the whole of the thing is covered in what looks like a green, scaly hide. It looks like one of those deep-sea angler fish with the lights running across it. The subtleties and blatancy combine to form an unmistakable message.

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An excellent reaction shot here. This man has realized that he is not on the set of a show or movie, but is in fact on a spaceship. He's staring out into space, covered in some protective film. He asked to be driven home after having a taste of what he suspected was a new gig. What get got was a ride through a black hole back to Earth. I don't think anyone could make a face any different from that if they were in his shoes.

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