Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Italian Job (2003)

Here we have an establishing shot of L.A. at sunset. I like how the dark vertical buildings contrast with the golden horizon. It's a good establishing shot because it has all the elements you'd expect in a big city: cars, lights, tall buildings, and good old urban sprawl.

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This scene I like not just because of the gold, but because of the way they made the gold look so pure and valuable. The simple shining of a light on these bricks really drove home their monetary value and the magnitude of the wealth the thieves had acquired.

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Image you've just acquired $27 million to be split among you and your close friends. What would your reaction be? Shouting would probably be part of it, as it was for the hacker character. Problem is he was in an airport terminal when he did it, so he gets a few wary stares. I liked this scene because it pretty much sums up the feelings one would have if they got rich.

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