Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Employee of the Month (2006)

There are several ways to show the passing of time in a short period. One of those is time-lapse. This is where a camera is left to run for a long time and record at a much slower frame rate. The result is an afternoon gone in 30 seconds or sometimes less. This one in particular I find to be uncommonly beautiful for a movie whose main focus is comedy.

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If there was ever a doubt in your mind that you could get pretty much anything from a warehouse store, this little shot dispels it. The floor workers of this particular warehouse store have set up a pallet clubhouse complete with drinks, games, and furniture. You can even see what appears to be a sleeping area behind the two card players. It also attests to some latent ingenuity in the lowly workers.

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I liked how this scene utilized a diminished form of dramatic effect to create a humorous scene. Normally dry ice is used to add mystique or emphasis to a serious scene, but in this case the use of freezer mist thrown into the path of the savior’s run just adds some amusement.

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