Thursday, May 31, 2007

Terminator (1984)

This intimidating pose is struck by an infiltrator machine bent on destroying a bunker full of holocaust survivors. I found the lighting to be significant in creating the feeling of gloom and doom. The fact that it’s holding a huge laser gun also helps. At first I didn’t notice it, at least not consciously, but the infiltrator’s eyes are glowing. This also contributes to the feeling of dark power radiating from this thing.

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I like this establishing shot because the city has so many lights yet only the street itself is well lit. Granted it’s nighttime, but you’d think with all those lights blazing there’d be much less darkness. The bluish street lamps shrinking with distance give the feeling that there’s a long road ahead. Indeed, this shot was taken not long after one of the main characters arrives early in the movie.

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This is probably the first point of view (POV) shot I can remember seeing in any movie. Watching this movie as a kid, I didn’t realize how much it affected the movie overall. But it does make the terminator’s mission crystal clear: search and destroy. The choice of red and black as major colors lends to the air of ill will associated with this machine.

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