Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Reservoir Dogs (1992)

The beginning scene in the coffee house does a good job in showing the relations between the members of this particular group of criminals. The viewer learns a good deal about them in this first scene. While some movies start with a little action first, this film starts with actual story-building content. The argument posed by "Mr. Pink" in this picture regarding tipping certainly brings a level of detail to the character that other movies don't even attempt (even if it is about a superficial issue).

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What caught my interest in this scene is not the sense of camaraderie, but the fact that the slow-motion is somewhat choppy. For the longest time I had the assumption that all slow motion scenes were smooth as butter. But seeing this rather old film using it really showed how far we've come in video technology.

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If there ever was a moral summed up in one scene, it would be this. Nearly all the bad guys and a few good guys end up dying, with the exception of one of the bad guys. He gets away while the others suffer the consequences. Though it says pretty clearly, "Crime doesn't pay" it simultaneously shows how dangerous and bloody police work can be.

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